Since the beginning of time, one of the humans' biggest wish was to learn how to fly. The ancient Greek myth of Daedalus and Ikarus, who escaped the palace of the King of Crete with handmade wings created by themselves, is widely popular. Since then, lots have changed - aviation is one of the most popular methods of travelling. The development of aviation and flying has brought a revolution to the tourism branch, since the reachable destinations have multiplied and reaching one's desired place has become much easier, compared to the past years.The main purpose and contribution of the international aviation companies worldwide to the tourism industry is to provide a fast and mass transportation of a significant volume of passengers, under strict safety protocols. Since the number of tourists has been rapidly increased during the last decades, the international airlines have risen their standards, imporved their facilities and services, and have developed a wide range of options, providing the passengers quality travel for every budget.
SpitiWorld provides high quality aviation services, collaborating with some of the most experienced and well-respected air companies. Our team of experts, dedicated to the aviation industry, can support both agents and clients on a wide range of topics, such as GSA Services, Sales, Airline Representation and Flight Supervisory. The personel of SpitiWorld Aviation team can provide every information and support needed, focused on detail and quality, while our commitment to offer services under high standards and safety protocols makes our customers enjoy their trip without worries.